Deacon Samuel Roberson, Jr is a veteran of the United States having served 22 years before retirement. He served in the Vietnam War.
He also retired from City of Fayetteville as a repair parts specialist.
He has been a member of Victory Through Faith MinistriesChurch of God in Christ for over 25 years where in addition to being a deacon, he serves as the Sunday School Superintendent, and president of the Trustee Board. Despite his physical condition, he faithful attends local, district, and jurisdictional church events.
He is married. He has two sons, one daughter, six grandchildren and several “adopted” children and grandchildren.
For in Him I live, and move, and have my being;
Mobility is the ability to move about. It is the freedom of movement, agility, or motion. I am a double amputee but God has blessed me to be mobile. I am able to take care of myself, go to my appointments, attend church and other events on my own. I am grateful to God for this because some years ago, I was given up to die. Duke Hospital sent me to hospice at Highsmith Hospital here in Fayetteville, NC because they did not feel like there was anything else they could do for me. But God! After months there, I was moved to a nursing home where they assumed I would spend the rest of my life. I soon found out that my reason for being there was not because of my condition but to be an encouragement to other people. With that motivation, I was able to leave the nursing home. Through prayer and determination, I have been able to reach a level of health and mobility that surprises even the doctors. But God!